Deutsche Version

Forschungsgemeinschaft Indien und Südasien e. V.
The German Study Circle for the postal history and philately of
the Indian Subcontinent / Southern Asia

Public Library


On this site we offer publications related to our collecting interests available for everyone. The intention is to promote the knowledge about the countries of our collecting interests and to provide a focus point and storage platform free of any charge for literature that is free available.
The literature provided here can be used and distributed free of any charges. Commercial use and distribution is forbidden. The copyrights shown in any of the items have to be respected.
The literature published here is the property of the author and/or the publisher. Author and/or publisher are solely responsible for the content. The society provides the storage for the literature without any liability for the content of the publications.
If you want to publish literature on this site you first should contact the society's board of management (use the contact form or write to the webmaster, see address below). We need an electronic copy (PDF preferred) of the publication. The publication must be available free of any restricting copyrights and free of any charges. The society's board of management has the right to refuse any publication even without stating the reason.
Some of the documents may be of considerable size. So be patient if it takes some time to open them.


Title (to open a document click the coloured title text)


Bangladesh: Provisional Overprints on Pakistan Train Stamps: A study
This article was offered to us by Jafar Siddiqui
( ). the source of it being unknown to him. An author is not named within the article. A Internet search has shown that the article is published on


Richard Warren has licensed us to offer his publications on Burma topics.
You may visit Richard Warren's Burma site:
You may contact Richard Warren directly by e-mail:

Warren, Richard. Chalo Delhi, the real story. 2012 (?) (2.5MB)

WHO WAS WHO IN BURMA PHILATELY. An annotated biographical index for researchers. Compiled by Richard Warren. First edition July 2008 (11MB)

Indian Subcontinent postal history

Deutscher Altbriefsammler-Verein e.V. (DASV)
Project Postal Treaties: Sources for border crossing mail up to World Postal Union - UPU
DASV: „This project will try to generate a comprehensive collection of postal treaties and regulations covering the exchange of mails between different countries postal administrations in the time before UPU.“

Postal Treaties


Doubleday, Ron. Opinions. Expertization Decisions by Ron Doubleday on Indian Stamps & Postal Stationery overprinted "PAKISTAN"
Volume I (A to L) part 1 (13MB)
Volume I (A to L) part 2 (15.5MB)
Volume I (A to L) part 3 (12MB)
Volume II (M to U) part 1 (14MB)
Volume II (M to U) part 2 (12.5MB)
Volume II (M to U) part 3 (13MB)

Published by Jafar Siddiqui in 2013. You may contact Jafar Siddiqui by e-mail:


The German Study Group Arge Portugal and former colonies e. V. has initiated a publication platform “digital library”. On this platform philatelic topics shall be published in form of comprehensive articles – free of charge for the readers and wide spread. The Arge has handed us over the following publication asking us to make the work available to other collectors too.

Reinhard Küchler, Philatelie in Portugiesisch-Indien gegen Ende der portugiesischen Herrschaft 1961. Digitale Bibliothek - Nr. 1 (2014) (9MB)

You may contact the Arge Portugal via the 2nd chairman Reinhard Kuechler (E-Mail: You can order a comprehensive info-packet as PDF-file.
More information you may find at the web-site




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is homepage is maintained by volunteers of the FGI. Over the years the following members have invested their time to maintain the web-site:
Hans Heppner , Christian Sperber
Joachim Wrede
For suggestions, corrections and criticism please contact::