Forschungsgemeinschaft Indien und Südasien e. V.

The German Study Circle for the postal history and philately of the Indian Subcontinent / Southern Asia


Registration and
management board:

The society is registered under the number VR 21272 at the Stendal district court. According to §26 BGB the management board consists of the 1st chairman, the 2nd chairman and the secretary.

1st Chairman
& Editor Indien-Report:

Bernhard Schindler

Zahsower Str. 32, 03046 Cottbus, Germany
mobile: +49 (0)171 7 70 24 99, E-Mail: schindler.cb (at)

2nd Chairman:

Franz-Josef Puetz
Mohrenstr. 9, 10117 Berlin, Germany
phone: +49 (0)30 20 64 96 70, E-Mail: franz-josef.puetz (at)

& Librarian:

Dr. Jan Ulrich Clauss
Herderstr. 42, 53173 Bonn, Germany
phone:+49 (0)228 35 35 39, E-Mail: mail (at)

& Membership:

Fakhar Chaudhry
Tannenhof 4, 37127 Dransfeld, Germany
phone: +49 (0)5502 49 90 562, E-Mail: fakhar (at)



Statutes of the society:

The Statutes of the Forschungsgemeinschaft Indien und Südasien e. V. can be downloaded here.
The statutes are stored in the format PDF. The Adobe Reader is necessary to open the document. Click on the link at the bottom to install the Adobe Reader.

Application form:

The appplication form can be downloaded here. Print out the form, fill in the data and send the form to the treasurer (address is shown above).
The form is stored in the format PDF. The Adobe Reader is necessary to open the document. Click on the link at the bottom to install the Adobe Reader.


The annual subscription is 20 EUR.
The subscription is valid for all countries and includes the postage for the distribution of the Indien-Report.
Reduction for members in Germany: Adolescents up to the completion of the 18th year of life, apprentices and students up to the 25th year of life and registered unemployed get a reduction of 50% of the subscription. The status must be proved yearly.
Payment of the annual subscription is due until end of March (see below for bank data). For the members in the SEPA countries the most comfortable way of payment is the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate. If you are still not registered for this system you may download here a Form for SEPA Direct Debit Mandate. Please print this form, fill in the data and send it to the treasurer (address see above).
If you are a member from a NON-SEPA country you may pay by Paypal. The address for Paypal-payments is treasurer (at)

Bank account of the society:

FG Indien e. V., Fakhar Chaudhry
Konto 486 090 61 bei Kreissparkasse Esslingen
IBAN DE38 6115 0020 0048 6090 61, BIC ESSLDE66

This homepage is maintained by volunteers of the FGI. Over the years the following members have invested their time to maintain the web-site:
Hans Heppner, Christian Sperber, Joachim Wrede. Für Anregungen und Kritik wenden Sie sich bitte