Forschungsgemeinschaft Indien und Südasien e. V.
The German Study Circle for the postal history and philately of the Indian Subcontinent / Southern Asia
Literature Sale
The publications issued by the FGI are available for purchase. To the shown prices the costs for postage will be added. Further you will find the publications of the friendly society Great Britain & Commonwealth Philatelic Society (Switzerland) (GB&CWPS) available for sale. Please send your order for all publications (except the GB&CWPS publications) to:
Christian Sperber
Schlosshofstr. 10/2
89614 &Oepfingen
Tel.: +49 (0)7391/7581981, e-mail:
Anniversary issue - 50 Years The German Study Circle
price each issue EUR 10.00 (Postcharge Germany: EUR 2; Foreigen Countries EUR 4)
Previous issues of the Indien-Report up to issue No. 70 (not all issues are available), price each issue EUR 4.00
from issue No. 71, price each issue EUR 5.00
Forschungsbericht Nr. 1 (1972), Preis EUR 3,00
H. Dietrich: Die Britisch-Afghanischen Kriege
Forschungsbericht Nr. 3 (1975), Preis EUR 3,00
P. Röver: Indische Staaten: 1. Bahawalpur, 2. Die Staaten von Malwa: Dhar
Forschungsbericht Nr. 6 (2017), Preis EUR 5,00
Dr. A. Birken: Die Freimarken von Bhopal 1872-1908
Forschungsbericht Nr. 7 (2019), Preis EUR 10,00
Dr. A. Birken: Hyderabad
Dr. W. Hellrigl:
Nepal-Spezialkatalog 1881–1949, Preis EUR 4,00
P. Röver:
Dungarpur – Briefmarken und Postgeschichte eines Indischen Staates
price for FGI members EUR 10,00
price for non-members EUR 15,00
G. Schmidt:
Die Briefmarken und Postgeschichte Indiens – eine Dokumentation
Gerhard Schmidt had worked meticulously for years on the documentation of a complete philatelic and postal history of India from the 1820s to 1975. His compilation is based on English and German literature which was published up to the 1990s. Such a complete documentation is unique, at least in the German speaking countries. 26 volumes containing a total of 3112 pages on CD. For details see the
Preis EUR 10,00
This homepage is maintained by volunteers of the FGI. Over the years the following members have invested their time to maintain the web-site:
Hans Heppner, Christian Sperber, Joachim Wrede. For suggestions, corrections and criticism please contact: